Shipping protection
In-house shipping protection that protects your customers and puts profits in your pocket.

Your Brand, Your Protection, Your Profit
In a world where 260 million packages are lost every year, protect your customer's purchases with an end to end shipping protection platform. We’re not an insurance provider or a third party that sits between you and your customer. We give you the tools to run this in-house because, after all, who knows your customer better than you?
Policy you control
0% revenue share taken by PackagePal
100% control of your customer’s experience
100% customizable policy
White glove installation
Everything you need in one place
Powerful Features
How it works

Configure your policy and set a price for shipping protection. This can be a fixed priced (ex $2.99) or variable (ex 5% of order value).
Start building today!
Turn a cost center into a profit hub.
Schedule a demo to learn more and see how PackagePal can fit into your workflow.
PackagePal FAQ’s